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Indsæt personlige oplysninger i ansøgningsskemaet.

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Betal Og Afslut

Betal med VISA eller Mastercard m.m.

Applicant Information

Fill out the ESTA Visa form below and make sure the information is correct.

Are you a member of CBP Global Entry?

Fill in below if YES (ONLY FOR MEMBERS OF CBP).

Are you known by another Name / Alias

Only fill in below if YES

Other Citizenship / Other Nationality

Fill in below if YES

Parents - Biological, Adoptive, Stepparents or Guardians

Enter your parents' names below.

Contact Info

Enter your contact information below.

Contact Information In case of emergency in or outside the United States

Enter your contact information below.

Social Media (Optional)

Enter information associated with your online presence.

Travel Information

If NO, all fields must be filled out

Work Information

If YES, all fields must be filled out

Information About The Traveler

Do you have a physical or mental disability, or are you addicted to or using drugs, or do you currently have any of the following diseases (infectious diseases are specified under section 361 (b) of the Public Health Service Act):
  • Cholera
  • Diphtheria
  • Tuberculosis, contagious
  • Plague
  • copper
  • Yellow fever
  • Viral hemorrhagic fever including Ebola, lassa, marburg, Crimea-Congo
  • Severe acute respiratory diseases that can be transmitted to other persons and are likely to result in death
Waiver of Rights

I have read and understand that I hereby waive my right to reconsider or appeal a CBP (US Customs and Border Protection) official's decision to enter for the entire period of my travel permit obtained through ESTA, or to contest the deportation as a result of an application for entry under the Visa Waiver Program except in the case of an application for asylum.

In addition to the above waiver as a condition of each entry into the United States under the Visa Waiver Program, I accept that submission of biometric identifiers (including fingerprints and photographs) during the process of arrival in the United States reaffirms my waiver of any right to reconsider or appeal a CBP (US) Customs and Border Protection) official's decision to enter and contest the deportation following an application for entry under the Visa Waiver Program except in the case of an asylum application.

Terms and Conditions

Pay with Paypal

The cost of your visa application and processing is $ 89 if you pay with Paypal. Subsequently, you will receive an E-mail with the application ID and further information.

ESTA Visa Application: 89 $

Visum til USA –

Ansøg om ESTA

Ansøg om visum til USA, ESTA Visa ansøgning til USA, også kaldet De Forenede Stater i Amerika. ESTA er det obligatoriske rejsetilladelsesystem til rejsende, som skal ind over Amerika’s grænser enten via fly eller sørejse i under 90 dage med henblik på turisme, gennemrejse eller forretninger.


Betaling foregår via Mastercard eller Visa betalingskort. Prisen for en individuel ESTA Visa ansøgning er 89 USD – husk dog at lave en ansøgning for hvert familiemedlem eller medlem af rejsegruppen.

Visum til USA med hurtig behandling

Vi stræber os efter at behandle din ansøgning så hurtigt som muligt og har derfor indført øjeblikkelig betalingsnotifikation, hvorved din ansøgning behandles med det samme af visa og rejse-eksperter hvorefter din ESTA-tilladelse leveres direkte til din e-mail.

Sikker SSL-Transaktion og opbevaring af filer

Vi overholder de samlede internationale regler indenfor standard-betalingskortbranchen – datasikkerhedsstandarden, der blev vedtaget af de førende kreditkortselskaber for at beskytte dine personlige oplysninger samt alle filer ligeledes.


Vi har et venligt kundesupport-team, der som sagt står til rådighed døgnet rundt for at svare på alle typer spørgsmål i forbindelse med ansøgningen. Hvis du er usikker i forhold til din visumsituation eller din berettigelse, så kan du se vejledningsguiden, der er beregnet hertil.

Borgere fra VWP-medlemslande (Visa Waiver Program) er forpligtet til at anskaffe et elektronisk rejsegodkendelsessystem for at rejse til eller gennem USA.
Ny ESTA ansøgning